Local Resources
Government Resources
Support Groups

Isle of Man Government support

There are many resources that the Government provide for free but it is often difficult to locate the correct route when needed.

Below are listed important numbers that you may need access to:

Mental Health Service information from the IOM Government website

Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 people in their lifetime. Many people who experience problems will be provided with care and treatment from primary care services, such as their GP. However, in some circumstances, care, treatment and interventions from secondary care mental health services may be required.

The Mental Health Service aims to ensure that people are provided with services in the right place, at the right time with the right results.

We’re here to support you

We embrace a holistic approach to wellness, with the principles and values of the recovery approach at the very heart of our services. We aim to:-

  • Support recovery from mental health problems
  • Promote wellbeing in the community we serve
  • Encourage and promote service users and carers in care planning and delivery
  • Ensure everyone under our care and working with us will be treated with respect and dignity
  • Our local services

People being seen by the Mental Health Service can be referred to a range of services throughout the island. From support groups to fitness sessions, the Mental Health Service aims to deliver group-based sessions and activities aiding the recovery of people experiencing mental health problems.

Please note, the services are only open to people referred from within the Mental Health Service. For information about public services and support for non-service users, please see your GP.

Community services for adults  * Please note, the following services are by referral only *

With the exception of the Drug and Alcohol Team, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, and the Crisis Response and Home Treatment Team, all referrals need to go via the Community Mental Health Service for Adults.

Bradda Resource Centre        831850

Thie Rosien

Castletown Road

Port Erin

Community Mental Health Service for Adults         686313

Community Health Centre

Westmoreland Road


Community Wellbeing Service                      642540

Counselling and Therapies

Ballakermeen Road


Crisis Response Home Treatment Team                   642860

Manannan Court

Noble’s Hospital


Drug and Alcohol Team                     617889

Reayrt Noa

Noble’s Hospital


Mountview House                 811855

Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital

Cumberland Road


Next Step and Brunswick Gardens               616686

26-27 Derby Square


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service                       642875

Noble’s Hospital


Details of the service available from the Community Wellbeing Service & the link for referral is below.


Online counselling and emotional well-being platform accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of need.


How YOU can support US
