When in a state of worry it is often a reaction to feel alone, there are many local charities and Government departments that are there to help.
Listed below is a selection of local charities and support options if you are facing a time of crisis do not wait, contact the Police (999), A&E or the Crisis Team on 642860. You are never alone and please pick up the phone for support. For more government services please click the ‘Government Resources’ button above.
Isle Listen 01624 679118
Supporting a fully inclusive approach to mental health & psychological wellbeing for children & young people on the Isle of Man.
MCH Psychological Services 01624 679544
Providing psychological support for anyone affected by cancer.
Noble’s Hospital (Switchboard) 01624 650000
Hospital (Emergency Dept) 01624 650040
Hospital (Childrens Ward) 01624 650023
Motiv8 01624 627656
We are a dedicated team of highly qualified and experienced counsellors who specialise in addictive behaviours.
Isle of Man Victim Support 01624 679950
The work of Victim Support Isle of Man includes assisting with criminal injury claims plus providing emotional support for victims of various offences including physical or sexual assaults, thefts, burglaries and criminal damage. They also support the families of people involved in fatal road collisions.
Without Wings, Manx autoimmune arthritis trust support@withoutwings.co.uk
To raise awareness and provide information and compassionate funding for people living with these illnesses when they are most ‘without wings’ – their physical or emotional freedom.
Parent2Parent 240999 parent2parentiom@gmail.com
Parent2Parent is a local Isle of Man Registered Charity founded by local parents, who have all experienced a range of difficulties within their families and they are currently finding comfort in supporting each other. The charity was set up in August 2015 and we are currently offering support to a number of parents island wide.
Crossroads 01624 673103
Crossroads Care provides support to all carers and individuals with care needs, no matter their disability, illness or age.
Hospice Psychological Support 01624 647400
Our Psychological Support Team are skilled in assessing your personal issues and working with you, to meet your needs and assisting you in overcoming any emotional challenges you or your family may face.
- Coming to terms with a serious illness
- Supporting you through courses of treatment
- Understanding the ways in which help and support is available for family members and carers
- For children being cared for in Rebecca House, or through the Hospice at Home Service, the provision of support for siblings, parents and grandparents
- Any other illness-related matter you wish to share.
Relate 01624 623902
- Relationship Counselling
- Family Counselling
- Sex Therapy
- Children and Young People’s Counselling
Samaritans (24 hrs) 01624 663399 or 08457 909090 (free)
We’re here 24/7, before, during and after a crisis.
Whether it’s an ‘are you ok?’ at just the right moment, or the midnight support of a trained volunteer; whether it’s better training in the workplace or campaigning for more investment in national and local suicide prevention – we’re here.
Bridge the Gap youthsupport@bridgethegap.im
Improving facilities and support for teenagers and young adults with long term health needs.
Parkinson’s Disease Society IOM 622094
We offer support, advice and care for all those who are affected in any way by Parkinson’s.
Citizens Advice Service (Douglas) 01624 626863
Citizens Advice Service (Port Erin) 01624 833976
Citizens Advice Service (Ramsey) 01624 813466
The Manx Citizens Advice Service is made up of three centres (Douglas, Ramsey and Port Erin). The key aim of this service is to provide free impartial advice to people for the problems they face, including;
- Housing issues
- Benefits advice
- Help with relationship breakdowns
- Faulty goods or poor workmanship
- Employment issues
Autism in Mann 01624 660321
Autism in Mann was established in 1991 by two parents with families affected by autism, who wanted to reach out and help other affected people, parents and carers
Autism Initiatives 01624 814801
Autism Initiatives has a wealth of resources and expertise that support autistic people to achieve their personal goals.
College Welfare UCM 01624 648254
The Student Services team is there to help and support students with a number of varied issues in order to enable them to complete their qualifications and become ‘work ready’.
- fees and funding
- careers education
- information
- advice and guidance
- personal worries or concerns
- physical and mental well-being
David Gray House 01624 662814
David Gray Lifehouse is The Salvation Army’s only probation accommodation within the Territory. Located in Douglas on the Isle of Man, it provides accommodation for up to nine residents, males and females who have been in the criminal justice system or are awaiting trial.
Debt Counsellor 01624 686510
If you are experiencing problems with debt, the Office of Fair Trade has a Debt Counselling Service with fully trained staff who will discuss your problems with you and guide you in sorting them out in confidence.
Isle of Man Probation Service 01624 687324
Probation Service:
- To provide reports and assessments to the courts
- To provide structured supervision and enforcement of court orders and post custodial licences
- To effectively assess, manage and review risk
- To deliver community based interventions that are targeted and effective, which are informed by the risk assessments
- To actively promote integrity, respect and anti-discriminatory behaviour to support community safety
Kemmyrk – Housing Matters 01624 675507
Formed to help give advice, guidance and support around housing matters in the Isle of Man to prevent, reduce and manage homelessness.
Manx Blind Welfare Society 01624 674727
Manx Blind Welfare Society looks after the interests of almost 600 people with serious sight loss on the Isle of Man.
Manx Deaf Society 07624 202875
The Manx Deaf Society aims to support Deaf, deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people on the Isle of Man.
Manx Diabetic Group – hello@manxdiabeticgroup.com
The Manx Diabetic Group exists to assist all type 1 & type 2 diabetics, young and old, on the Isle of Man.
Manx Housing Trust 01624 626226
Manx Housing Trust provides advice, support and accommodation for qualifying local families.
Manx Housing Matters 01624 675507 info@housingmatters.im
Services for anyone who is homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or experiencing difficulty in finding suitable accommodation. Advice and guidance on supported housing. Family mediation. Landlord/tenant mediation. Nightstop accommodation scheme in the homes of volunteer hosts.
Manx Mencap 01624 660321
We work in partnership with people with a learning disability, and all our services support people to live life as they choose.
Next Step 01624 616686
Please note that this service is available by referral only. Clients wishing to attend Next Step must be referred from within the Mental Health Service.
The Next Step philosophy is to promote independence through the restoration of lost skills and the development of new ones. One focus of the unit is to facilitate service users entry or re-entry, into employment following an episode of mental illness.
Praxis 01624 619803
Empowering adults and children affected by mental ill health, learning disability or acquired brain injury to enjoy everyday living, irrespective of the complexity of their needs.
Age Concern 01624 631740
We exist to improve health and well-being in later life, provide support to older people at times of need, make older people’s voices heard, build a positive attitude to older people in our society and make our island a great place to grow old.